************************************************************************ ********************** WiiU System Update Report *********************** ************************************************************************ Region: EUR Titles added: 0 Titles changed: 6 Titles removed: 0 ************************** SUMMARY OF CHANGES ************************** ====== Titles Changed ====== Unknown title type Title ID: 00050010-10040200 Version: 0x f1 Size: 102400120 Contents: 10 (of which 0 are shared) Unknown title type Title ID: 00050010-10041200 Version: 0x 240 Size: 70340 Contents: 4 (of which 0 are shared) Unknown title type Title ID: 00050010-10047200 Version: 0x d1 Size: 64880760 Contents: 10 (of which 0 are shared) Unknown title type Title ID: 00050010-10049200 Version: 0x 71 Size: 44335224 Contents: 10 (of which 0 are shared) Unknown title type Title ID: 0005001b-10050000 Version: 0x 50 Size: 332756 Contents: 4 (of which 0 are shared) Unknown title type Title ID: 0005001b-10054000 Version: 0x 20 Size: 138516 Contents: 4 (of which 0 are shared) **************************** DETAILED DUMPS **************************** ====== Titles Changed ====== Unknown title type Title ID: 00050010-10040200 Version: 0xf1 Size: 102400120 TMD: Versions: 1, CA CRL 0, Signer CRL 0, System 00050010-1000400a Title ID: 00050010-10040200 ('\x00\x05\x00\x10'-'\x10\x04\x02\x00') Title Type: 256 Group ID: '\x04\x00' Access Rights: 0x00000000 Title Version: 0xf1 Boot Index: 0 Hash table hash: a1 c5 cc 14 13 ec b4 aa 4f 12 3e f3 1e cf b8 4a ea 96 de fa 06 f1 63 9f 69 1c 61 d4 e9 d9 04 ea [OK] Content records hash: 2c ed 7b 21 55 ec ca c8 79 a3 58 80 86 92 e6 35 0a 32 c4 a5 ad ce 94 91 99 6c 90 a8 6d 23 57 f8 [OK] Contents: ID Index Type Size Hash 000000DB 0 0x2001 0x8000 15 a2 01 44 c7 c9 ef 6d e4 da ab ba 96 c7 b7 71 cd 0f c1 4f 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000000DC 1 0x2001 0x8000 12 4a 21 66 a4 b2 a1 bb b7 4b a3 33 a5 5d 17 ca 77 4d 9b f7 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000000A5 2 0x2001 0x8000 79 ab 87 bc 55 2e 5a 35 ad 15 7f 8f 04 20 0d e1 ba e1 d0 b4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000000DD 3 0x2003 0x30000 ff 84 6f ab c0 c3 45 e1 d6 cc 96 a4 d0 a7 4e 8e 9a 53 f5 cb 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000000A7 4 0x2003 0xb30000 ac f4 b3 6c 77 30 d9 b0 35 41 e7 fa a5 1b 5f 66 cb 68 11 8e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000000A8 5 0x2003 0x110000 57 a6 ad 92 13 57 a4 75 31 78 60 34 b0 6c 17 48 0f e2 62 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000000A9 6 0x2003 0x110000 c0 22 bb 30 df 81 cb 1c 4b 44 59 2e 1f f0 b2 ca 04 10 40 e8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000000DE 7 0x2001 0x400000 89 81 cf 78 bd b7 8e 61 1b 6b 86 3e 97 b3 6d f0 b5 fb 21 8c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000000AB 8 0x2003 0x10000 71 54 93 41 84 0c e4 a4 66 d0 89 b5 52 ba 68 77 d4 00 61 fa 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000000DF 9 0x2003 0x5000000 b6 45 33 a3 26 c6 aa 20 f6 9e 72 0d 81 aa f8 7b d3 2d 41 b9 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 TMD signed by Root-CA00000003-CP0000000b using RSA-2048-SHA256: 30 dc 73 34 90 64 0f cb c6 b6 f5 8b 3d a5 de 21 53 34 7a 44 39 f7 8a 2f be 20 62 64 96 90 9f 0d [OK] TMD Certificates: - CP0000000b (RSA-2048-SHA256) Certificate signed by Root-CA00000003 using RSA-2048-SHA256: c4 38 25 fc c8 65 da 67 87 f6 81 22 d3 04 0c e2 a1 39 12 72 86 01 16 dc c8 5c 03 1f 3e 2c 34 ab [OK] - CA00000003 (RSA-2048-SHA256) Certificate signed by Root using RSA-4096-SHA256: a4 a8 83 9a d7 0e 7a b8 03 eb 6d df 8b 34 1c b5 12 2f e4 78 fc a0 13 b8 03 a9 3e 14 10 53 50 bb [OK] ETicket: Title ID: '\x00\x05\x00\x10\x10\x04\x02\x00' Title key IV: 00 05 00 10 10 04 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Title key (encrypted): 09 1c 37 37 8f 36 1f f1 18 e1 2b 68 ee 43 47 9a Common key index: 0 ETicket signed by Root-CA00000003-XS0000000c using RSA-2048-SHA256: 70 68 dd 0c 86 10 5a 55 69 41 f2 12 ef 5b 5a e1 3a 8e 21 50 5b 86 9c 97 92 57 e7 4e 97 8b b8 b8 [OK] ETicket Certificates: - XS0000000c (RSA-2048-SHA256) Certificate signed by Root-CA00000003 using RSA-2048-SHA256: bc 2d ff db 43 a5 c2 03 2b 1f e6 93 40 37 4e 13 1d 09 17 97 e3 f3 10 5e 74 1a ae 0b 94 24 6a 42 [OK] - CA00000003 (RSA-2048-SHA256) Certificate signed by Root using RSA-4096-SHA256: a4 a8 83 9a d7 0e 7a b8 03 eb 6d df 8b 34 1c b5 12 2f e4 78 fc a0 13 b8 03 a9 3e 14 10 53 50 bb [OK] Unknown title type Title ID: 00050010-10041200 Version: 0x240 Size: 70340 TMD: Versions: 1, CA CRL 0, Signer CRL 0, System 00050010-1000800a Title ID: 00050010-10041200 ('\x00\x05\x00\x10'-'\x10\x04\x12\x00') Title Type: 256 Group ID: '\x00\x00' Access Rights: 0x00000000 Title Version: 0x240 Boot Index: 1 Hash table hash: be e0 0a f9 91 e1 e0 6d ad af 00 49 93 5a 24 48 ad e4 69 09 11 1f 60 7e 4c dc 9a ac e9 f7 da 3c [OK] Content records hash: 48 37 d8 ab 55 bf b1 22 99 b0 1b 6f fc bb 66 1e 14 7f 21 5f 40 d6 a7 c6 8c 90 75 b9 bb 35 0b fa [OK] Contents: ID Index Type Size Hash 00000068 0 0x2001 0x130 11 bf d3 bc e2 e0 d9 5f 71 19 64 87 c9 9c 9b bd e6 86 fe de 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00000082 1 0x2001 0x28a a9 ef 43 9c c5 34 71 8e 43 0e 8d 02 12 11 15 07 8f 98 92 91 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000005C 2 0x2001 0xee9 48 96 dc 0b 06 77 e1 76 f5 09 d5 11 b4 89 05 14 88 6c 51 bf 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00000083 3 0x2003 0x10000 fc 11 cd 82 a1 0c c0 74 94 0c 57 03 28 f6 34 69 38 67 34 f3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 TMD signed by Root-CA00000003-CP0000000b using RSA-2048-SHA256: ba 16 e2 bc b6 e1 d4 f3 1d 3e 0d 30 b3 40 5a bb 54 f0 c8 b6 8e 1d e2 64 ed 3e 0a 09 e3 e7 78 ee [OK] TMD Certificates: - CP0000000b (RSA-2048-SHA256) Certificate signed by Root-CA00000003 using RSA-2048-SHA256: c4 38 25 fc c8 65 da 67 87 f6 81 22 d3 04 0c e2 a1 39 12 72 86 01 16 dc c8 5c 03 1f 3e 2c 34 ab [OK] - CA00000003 (RSA-2048-SHA256) Certificate signed by Root using RSA-4096-SHA256: a4 a8 83 9a d7 0e 7a b8 03 eb 6d df 8b 34 1c b5 12 2f e4 78 fc a0 13 b8 03 a9 3e 14 10 53 50 bb [OK] ETicket: Title ID: '\x00\x05\x00\x10\x10\x04\x12\x00' Title key IV: 00 05 00 10 10 04 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Title key (encrypted): 98 ca 32 de a9 e9 d1 61 01 64 3c 4f fe 53 95 ad Common key index: 0 ETicket signed by Root-CA00000003-XS0000000c using RSA-2048-SHA256: 4f 3a 9f 96 89 d7 ae fd c2 68 47 77 c5 50 fc 62 fc 09 15 28 b0 94 47 84 e6 0b 06 b8 d7 21 7f 72 [OK] ETicket Certificates: - XS0000000c (RSA-2048-SHA256) Certificate signed by Root-CA00000003 using RSA-2048-SHA256: bc 2d ff db 43 a5 c2 03 2b 1f e6 93 40 37 4e 13 1d 09 17 97 e3 f3 10 5e 74 1a ae 0b 94 24 6a 42 [OK] - CA00000003 (RSA-2048-SHA256) Certificate signed by Root using RSA-4096-SHA256: a4 a8 83 9a d7 0e 7a b8 03 eb 6d df 8b 34 1c b5 12 2f e4 78 fc a0 13 b8 03 a9 3e 14 10 53 50 bb [OK] Unknown title type Title ID: 00050010-10047200 Version: 0xd1 Size: 64880760 TMD: Versions: 1, CA CRL 0, Signer CRL 0, System 00050010-1000400a Title ID: 00050010-10047200 ('\x00\x05\x00\x10'-'\x10\x04r\x00') Title Type: 256 Group ID: '\x04\x00' Access Rights: 0x00000000 Title Version: 0xd1 Boot Index: 0 Hash table hash: 7e f8 40 d6 ae 4e fe fe 8d da 64 f8 21 f6 9f 54 c8 81 de 45 c9 ee 38 7c e1 33 69 4a d6 1b 97 78 [OK] Content records hash: 51 60 2e fb 75 5f 53 b7 26 74 a9 aa 15 b3 e6 6a dd d0 49 49 ab f1 e8 51 40 1c f2 30 f3 c6 ea 3a [OK] Contents: ID Index Type Size Hash 000000C1 0 0x2001 0x8000 23 6e 98 00 c1 85 7c d6 e1 f3 86 8d 3f 45 27 8b b5 16 e3 13 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000000C2 1 0x2001 0x8000 7a de b9 8f 28 e1 fc 7c eb 56 1f 31 bc 39 08 c8 6f 8c 63 da 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000000A3 2 0x2001 0x8000 03 a6 f5 bb 67 a0 ca 43 ef c9 27 7e 5a c6 e9 b7 99 87 c9 cc 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000000C3 3 0x2003 0x30000 c0 05 98 33 d3 a2 26 30 ed 0a b3 9a 98 7f 83 8e a8 83 3c 9a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00000095 4 0x2003 0xb30000 37 4a 23 80 1a 47 4a 8e c4 e4 5b ff 8b e9 7b cf f5 2f d5 5d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00000096 5 0x2003 0x110000 57 a6 ad 92 13 57 a4 75 31 78 60 34 b0 6c 17 48 0f e2 62 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00000097 6 0x2003 0x110000 c0 22 bb 30 df 81 cb 1c 4b 44 59 2e 1f f0 b2 ca 04 10 40 e8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000000C4 7 0x2001 0x2e8000 9f 0d a5 44 bd 4f 30 38 cc ca 68 64 cb 1e 1c f8 b5 be 6c 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00000099 8 0x2003 0x10000 30 91 b5 c3 84 47 3e f8 88 8e be c4 fd d3 fb e1 94 2e 1b 7c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000000C5 9 0x2003 0x2d50000 11 19 e1 93 47 ae b4 87 81 eb c2 65 8b 55 07 46 14 85 4e a0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 TMD signed by Root-CA00000003-CP0000000b using RSA-2048-SHA256: 6b 5f be c0 8e e8 d2 88 ca 55 19 c1 36 0d 74 fd 1c ab c2 ee b5 88 1e be 42 3a 5a c2 1c 03 af a1 [OK] TMD Certificates: - CP0000000b (RSA-2048-SHA256) Certificate signed by Root-CA00000003 using RSA-2048-SHA256: c4 38 25 fc c8 65 da 67 87 f6 81 22 d3 04 0c e2 a1 39 12 72 86 01 16 dc c8 5c 03 1f 3e 2c 34 ab [OK] - CA00000003 (RSA-2048-SHA256) Certificate signed by Root using RSA-4096-SHA256: a4 a8 83 9a d7 0e 7a b8 03 eb 6d df 8b 34 1c b5 12 2f e4 78 fc a0 13 b8 03 a9 3e 14 10 53 50 bb [OK] ETicket: Title ID: '\x00\x05\x00\x10\x10\x04r\x00' Title key IV: 00 05 00 10 10 04 72 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Title key (encrypted): 44 b5 ff 6c e9 10 c1 94 f8 68 17 1a 76 c1 c8 38 Common key index: 0 ETicket signed by Root-CA00000003-XS0000000c using RSA-2048-SHA256: 0c 88 83 2a 7a 6b 73 e0 eb 7d f5 2b ee 17 c1 7e f4 00 1c 24 ca b5 1a 4a 9a 6e 4d a5 38 17 1a b3 [OK] ETicket Certificates: - XS0000000c (RSA-2048-SHA256) Certificate signed by Root-CA00000003 using RSA-2048-SHA256: bc 2d ff db 43 a5 c2 03 2b 1f e6 93 40 37 4e 13 1d 09 17 97 e3 f3 10 5e 74 1a ae 0b 94 24 6a 42 [OK] - CA00000003 (RSA-2048-SHA256) Certificate signed by Root using RSA-4096-SHA256: a4 a8 83 9a d7 0e 7a b8 03 eb 6d df 8b 34 1c b5 12 2f e4 78 fc a0 13 b8 03 a9 3e 14 10 53 50 bb [OK] Unknown title type Title ID: 00050010-10049200 Version: 0x71 Size: 44335224 TMD: Versions: 1, CA CRL 0, Signer CRL 0, System 00050010-1000400a Title ID: 00050010-10049200 ('\x00\x05\x00\x10'-'\x10\x04\x92\x00') Title Type: 256 Group ID: '\x04\x00' Access Rights: 0x00000000 Title Version: 0x71 Boot Index: 0 Hash table hash: be e1 1a 1b 55 33 3f db 3d f0 fd 8c eb 83 45 e9 7f 35 23 3a 91 be 1f b9 6d 2e f4 ce 49 76 d0 eb [OK] Content records hash: de 49 a9 93 e4 71 e6 07 10 79 a3 bb 6e b5 dd 8c 18 ef f7 cd f6 33 91 3c 12 fe 99 72 ab 4b 30 d1 [OK] Contents: ID Index Type Size Hash 0000006A 0 0x2001 0x8000 7a 54 8f e6 f1 3b 13 d8 52 05 f8 23 1c 91 17 1e 28 ea 3c c1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000006B 1 0x2001 0x8000 7a 54 a7 e0 06 82 c3 0a db d9 4a 83 bf 9f 1c 72 7e cb d7 af 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000006C 2 0x2001 0x8000 74 67 f2 e9 aa 54 d5 5a c9 57 cb ec ea 96 4a fb b3 62 82 e2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000006D 3 0x2003 0x30000 04 9d f6 ac 7a bb 5b 81 1b dd 79 4b 48 63 0a 5e 46 59 d8 87 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000006E 4 0x2003 0xb30000 8e 5e 8a 75 a6 3b 3a 6f 3b 33 52 6d b0 0c e1 0f 72 3a 1c 49 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000006F 5 0x2003 0x110000 57 a6 ad 92 13 57 a4 75 31 78 60 34 b0 6c 17 48 0f e2 62 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00000070 6 0x2003 0x110000 c0 22 bb 30 df 81 cb 1c 4b 44 59 2e 1f f0 b2 ca 04 10 40 e8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00000071 7 0x2001 0x250000 96 a3 5f fc 76 28 e1 b8 f3 b3 a5 ba 1e 87 38 81 84 6f 5a ea 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00000072 8 0x2003 0x10000 e4 51 71 d3 fe cb 7a 6c 51 f9 73 93 41 75 5f cb 0d a0 6b 72 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00000073 9 0x2003 0x1a50000 3d 82 5a 32 7f da a0 f6 4d e4 c2 63 95 5d d6 ed 40 51 47 51 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 TMD signed by Root-CA00000003-CP0000000b using RSA-2048-SHA256: 18 c0 2a 47 49 3e 84 fa 99 0d 1f 20 2d 1f 22 a3 0d 99 af aa af a7 0a 15 31 11 e6 25 59 e5 f6 cd [OK] TMD Certificates: - CP0000000b (RSA-2048-SHA256) Certificate signed by Root-CA00000003 using RSA-2048-SHA256: c4 38 25 fc c8 65 da 67 87 f6 81 22 d3 04 0c e2 a1 39 12 72 86 01 16 dc c8 5c 03 1f 3e 2c 34 ab [OK] - CA00000003 (RSA-2048-SHA256) Certificate signed by Root using RSA-4096-SHA256: a4 a8 83 9a d7 0e 7a b8 03 eb 6d df 8b 34 1c b5 12 2f e4 78 fc a0 13 b8 03 a9 3e 14 10 53 50 bb [OK] ETicket: Title ID: '\x00\x05\x00\x10\x10\x04\x92\x00' Title key IV: 00 05 00 10 10 04 92 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Title key (encrypted): 3c 24 63 71 d5 34 3b ba c9 76 16 f5 ee 1a 2a c0 Common key index: 0 ETicket signed by Root-CA00000003-XS0000000c using RSA-2048-SHA256: dc 9e 85 67 51 ed 18 ce 46 f6 87 67 bb 34 a7 31 e1 b2 07 2b e0 04 cb 8f db 3a a1 ed 59 f0 7a 1f [OK] ETicket Certificates: - XS0000000c (RSA-2048-SHA256) Certificate signed by Root-CA00000003 using RSA-2048-SHA256: bc 2d ff db 43 a5 c2 03 2b 1f e6 93 40 37 4e 13 1d 09 17 97 e3 f3 10 5e 74 1a ae 0b 94 24 6a 42 [OK] - CA00000003 (RSA-2048-SHA256) Certificate signed by Root using RSA-4096-SHA256: a4 a8 83 9a d7 0e 7a b8 03 eb 6d df 8b 34 1c b5 12 2f e4 78 fc a0 13 b8 03 a9 3e 14 10 53 50 bb [OK] Unknown title type Title ID: 0005001b-10050000 Version: 0x50 Size: 332756 TMD: Versions: 1, CA CRL 0, Signer CRL 0, System 00050010-10004009 Title ID: 0005001b-10050000 ('\x00\x05\x00\x1b'-'\x10\x05\x00\x00') Title Type: 256 Group ID: '\x01\x00' Access Rights: 0x00000000 Title Version: 0x50 Boot Index: 1 Hash table hash: 90 8d 9f 1d c3 83 b2 39 5e d6 f6 64 d8 ea 8d 1b 8d 1f bc a3 4b 01 59 c5 79 2d 70 3d 58 7c ac 00 [OK] Content records hash: 8e 5e 93 ad 0e 53 c4 c4 ac 7a e1 a4 e0 11 98 04 50 95 07 2a 80 1b 8c 4d ee 71 ae 70 99 61 57 e8 [OK] Contents: ID Index Type Size Hash 0000000F 0 0x2001 0x420 11 21 2f 85 9f 6e eb a0 4a 6f 69 50 2d 6e ed 3c 36 50 9e 5c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00000010 1 0x2001 0x20f 82 15 cd f5 17 4b 9c 9a b1 20 8d 93 ea d7 f8 c9 0c 97 ae 73 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00000002 2 0x2001 0xd89 99 c1 0d 75 e6 8a b4 f2 91 1e fb 62 f9 cc 24 56 8e 4e 17 1d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00000011 3 0x2003 0x50000 87 8d c0 7c 41 51 e7 31 6f 25 b6 f1 aa 06 36 8a 8f 9b 16 e0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 TMD signed by Root-CA00000003-CP0000000b using RSA-2048-SHA256: 4a 92 55 e3 72 9f 0d d1 e2 7b 9e 8e 84 d4 d6 cd 38 86 7f c9 b4 c1 ca ea 51 1e 68 a2 e0 51 ea 8a [OK] TMD Certificates: - CP0000000b (RSA-2048-SHA256) Certificate signed by Root-CA00000003 using RSA-2048-SHA256: c4 38 25 fc c8 65 da 67 87 f6 81 22 d3 04 0c e2 a1 39 12 72 86 01 16 dc c8 5c 03 1f 3e 2c 34 ab [OK] - CA00000003 (RSA-2048-SHA256) Certificate signed by Root using RSA-4096-SHA256: a4 a8 83 9a d7 0e 7a b8 03 eb 6d df 8b 34 1c b5 12 2f e4 78 fc a0 13 b8 03 a9 3e 14 10 53 50 bb [OK] ETicket: Title ID: '\x00\x05\x00\x1b\x10\x05\x00\x00' Title key IV: 00 05 00 1b 10 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Title key (encrypted): aa 22 c2 ab 1c 24 a1 10 d6 05 00 35 d1 15 ba 5f Common key index: 0 ETicket signed by Root-CA00000003-XS0000000c using RSA-2048-SHA256: 8e b0 c5 d0 40 3d 7d 3c c9 be d6 99 90 40 9d 18 f0 93 3d 26 49 d1 37 2c 3d cb 8f f5 44 3c e2 66 [OK] ETicket Certificates: - XS0000000c (RSA-2048-SHA256) Certificate signed by Root-CA00000003 using RSA-2048-SHA256: bc 2d ff db 43 a5 c2 03 2b 1f e6 93 40 37 4e 13 1d 09 17 97 e3 f3 10 5e 74 1a ae 0b 94 24 6a 42 [OK] - CA00000003 (RSA-2048-SHA256) Certificate signed by Root using RSA-4096-SHA256: a4 a8 83 9a d7 0e 7a b8 03 eb 6d df 8b 34 1c b5 12 2f e4 78 fc a0 13 b8 03 a9 3e 14 10 53 50 bb [OK] Unknown title type Title ID: 0005001b-10054000 Version: 0x20 Size: 138516 TMD: Versions: 1, CA CRL 0, Signer CRL 0, System 00050010-1000400a Title ID: 0005001b-10054000 ('\x00\x05\x00\x1b'-'\x10\x05@\x00') Title Type: 256 Group ID: '\x86\xa0' Access Rights: 0x00000000 Title Version: 0x20 Boot Index: 1 Hash table hash: 60 4d e9 fe 80 26 a8 42 b2 8f 2b dd 38 68 4b 67 f7 ca 5e f1 14 af 3d e9 47 51 71 9a 4f e8 ce e6 [OK] Content records hash: 9a d9 ee 7a 74 97 1b c0 5f 61 19 42 a6 06 79 26 91 27 60 e6 2b 00 a8 25 01 dc e4 fa 4d dd bf 48 [OK] Contents: ID Index Type Size Hash 00000018 0 0x2001 0xb80 e8 78 a3 d3 b8 33 df 36 68 5c e0 e3 88 64 4c c0 d4 df e2 c9 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00000019 1 0x2001 0x28a b6 d9 fe 2e a4 90 70 da 50 62 7f 12 47 e5 f0 8a 14 6a 4e e6 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00000012 2 0x2001 0xee9 48 96 dc 0b 06 77 e1 76 f5 09 d5 11 b4 89 05 14 88 6c 51 bf 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000001A 3 0x2003 0x20000 85 5e f4 0f ae c6 b9 c5 3f 78 f1 1c 21 a4 92 10 56 68 0a cf 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 TMD signed by Root-CA00000003-CP0000000b using RSA-2048-SHA256: 20 80 28 9b 7f ad 25 cf 14 ef 60 95 e4 80 aa 0c 63 06 e3 23 e2 61 4b 9b 8d c8 30 cd 1f 0f 9b 08 [OK] TMD Certificates: - CP0000000b (RSA-2048-SHA256) Certificate signed by Root-CA00000003 using RSA-2048-SHA256: c4 38 25 fc c8 65 da 67 87 f6 81 22 d3 04 0c e2 a1 39 12 72 86 01 16 dc c8 5c 03 1f 3e 2c 34 ab [OK] - CA00000003 (RSA-2048-SHA256) Certificate signed by Root using RSA-4096-SHA256: a4 a8 83 9a d7 0e 7a b8 03 eb 6d df 8b 34 1c b5 12 2f e4 78 fc a0 13 b8 03 a9 3e 14 10 53 50 bb [OK] ETicket: Title ID: '\x00\x05\x00\x1b\x10\x05@\x00' Title key IV: 00 05 00 1b 10 05 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Title key (encrypted): 09 f4 1f aa 9e 7f 43 7f dc 90 6c 65 a5 b8 ad da Common key index: 0 ETicket signed by Root-CA00000003-XS0000000c using RSA-2048-SHA256: 4d 6b 1b c1 28 40 a9 1a 6d 43 51 db b5 2c 89 9d b7 cc 40 a6 09 d2 18 c0 ce 8b e4 bf 36 c9 a3 f0 [OK] ETicket Certificates: - XS0000000c (RSA-2048-SHA256) Certificate signed by Root-CA00000003 using RSA-2048-SHA256: bc 2d ff db 43 a5 c2 03 2b 1f e6 93 40 37 4e 13 1d 09 17 97 e3 f3 10 5e 74 1a ae 0b 94 24 6a 42 [OK] - CA00000003 (RSA-2048-SHA256) Certificate signed by Root using RSA-4096-SHA256: a4 a8 83 9a d7 0e 7a b8 03 eb 6d df 8b 34 1c b5 12 2f e4 78 fc a0 13 b8 03 a9 3e 14 10 53 50 bb [OK] ***************************** MESSAGE LOG ***************************** 00:05:32 [check] INFO: Wiimpersonator: Check invoked for dev wiiu region EUR 00:05:32 [soap] INFO: Checking for updates... 00:05:33 [soap] INFO: Title ID Version FsSize 00:05:33 [soap] INFO: 00050010-10000100 20b9 131072 00:05:33 [soap] INFO: 00050010-10000200 190c 922308 00:05:33 [soap] INFO: 00050010-10000400 0205 42208 00:05:33 [soap] INFO: 00050010-10004000 0001 799072 00:05:33 [soap] INFO: 00050010-10004001 000c 751584 00:05:33 [soap] INFO: 00050010-10004009 03ee 16163056 00:05:33 [soap] INFO: 00050010-1000400A 3d56 23567088 00:05:33 [soap] INFO: 00050010-100040FF 083c 16189936 00:05:33 [soap] INFO: 00050010-10040200 00f1 102400120 00:05:33 [soap] INFO: 00050010-10041200 0240 70340 00:05:33 [soap] INFO: 00050010-10043200 190c 3019460 00:05:33 [soap] INFO: 00050010-10044200 1702 58397572 00:05:33 [soap] INFO: 00050010-10045200 0061 16154724 00:05:33 [soap] INFO: 00050010-10047200 00d1 64880760 00:05:33 [soap] INFO: 00050010-10048200 0089 37486712 00:05:33 [soap] INFO: 00050010-10049200 0071 44335224 00:05:33 [soap] INFO: 00050010-1004A200 0032 81854584 00:05:33 [soap] INFO: 00050010-1004B200 0041 30277732 00:05:33 [soap] INFO: 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INFO: 00050030-1001820A 0060 18841700 00:05:33 [soap] INFO: 00050030-1001920A 0091 20971640 00:05:33 [soap] INFO: 00050030-1001A10A 0042 18710628 00:05:33 [soap] INFO: 00050030-1006D20A 0018 19398756 00:05:33 [soap] INFO: Comparing update with previous... 00:05:33 [soap] INFO: 0 added, 0 removed, 6 changed 00:05:33 [check] INFO: Update detected. 00:05:33 [check] INFO: Downloading new titles... 00:05:33 [check] INFO: Downloading changed titles... 00:05:33 [title.0005001010040200] INFO: Dowloading all data... 00:05:33 [title.0005001010040200] INFO: Downloading file http://nus.cdn.shop.wii.com/ccs/download/0005001010040200/tmd.241 00:05:34 [title.0005001010040200] INFO: cetk already in cache 00:05:34 [title.0005001010040200] INFO: Downloading file http://nus.cdn.shop.wii.com/ccs/download/0005001010040200/000000DB 00:05:34 [title.0005001010040200] INFO: Downloading file http://nus.cdn.shop.wii.com/ccs/download/0005001010040200/000000DC 00:05:34 [title.0005001010040200] INFO: 000000A5 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00:09:53 [check] INFO: Generating report...